
Reiki with Copper Pyramid

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Product Details

Reiki is a Japanese form of alternative medicine called energy healing. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a "universal energy" is said to be transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing.

Studies have shown that Reiki can help to reduce depression and anxiety by changing your mood. Reiki has been shown to help those in a negative mood, change and feel more positive through receiving the life force energy and dissolving any energetic blockages.Copper has been used for construction since prehistoric times, even before recorded history. Ancient civilizations even utilized the compounds in metals such as copper, zinc and manganese in their medicines and treatments. And as it turns out, copper has a wide range of health benefits!

Copper is an essential micronutrient that has numerous health, wellness and beauty benefits, from improved appearance of skin, to treatment of wounds and skin conditions, and also aids in maintaining metabolic processes, among countless other health benefits.

1. Anti-Aging

2. Skin Health

3. Antibacterial

4. Cognitive Stimulant

5. Anti-Inflammatory

6. Prevent Bone Loss

5. Reduces Cholesterol

6. Good Circulation

7. Improve Digestion

8. Weight Loss

9. Anti-Cancer

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Reiki with Copper Pyramid
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